Question for Aerial 20T Owners

I am considering the purchase of Aerial 20-T's. One feature of this speaker that may be a real issue for me, however, is its use of a ribbon tweeter that has virtually no vertical dispersion above the top of the tweeter, the result being that persons who are standing evidently receive no high frequencies. While I would buy the speaker principally for my own critical listening in the "sweetspot", my wife and I do quite a bit of entertaining, and I would not want a speaker that sounds totally unnatural or otherwise odd due to a lack of treble to persons standing in the listening room (or even to persons sitting in the dining room, which is immediately adjacent to the listening room).

Both my listening room and all adjacent rooms have mostly hard surfaces and wooden floors, so sound does travel from room to room.

My question is thus to 20-T owners: how natural (or bad or weird) does the speaker sound to those who are standing or who are off axis? Very importantly, how does it sound in adjacent rooms? Is the effect similar to being off-axis for an electrostatic (sounds horrible) or a time-coherent design (still sounds good, but not nearly as good as it does in the sweetspot)? If for any reason you are not comfortable responding publicly via this thread, please e-mail me.

I would simply demo the 20-T's to find out for myself, but there is no display pair anywhere near me (São Paulo).

Thank you.
The only thing you should worry about is: Who will be the first to scratch, bump or spill something on them.
The one thing I hate about starting threads is that, no matter how pointed I try to make my questions, there will always be someone to come along and pollute the thread with an unsolicited, inane response (Tabl10s).

Thanks in advance to 20-T owners who respond to my questions.
I have to "agree" with Tabl10's responce no matter how silly you might think it is.Most if not all non-audiophile people don't care (read ...give a damn)about high-end audio gear, speakers e.t.c. You should buy them for your own listening pleasure and have fun with them.I certainly can't afford this kind of speaker at the moment.Most people never ever heard of AERIAL ACOUSTICS, but almost everybody knows BOSE CORP. Chances are they will comment on some 'fancy" Bose system than a high-end Aerial 20t.This one guy owns the ML 33H Monoblocks and his mother-in-law thought they were the "nicest electric room heaters she ever saw" LOL.Therefore if I owned them I would make sure nobody went whithin 2 feet radius .
Enjoy them if you decide to buy them,THEY ARE STUNNING.I got the 10T's and absolutely cherish them.
Sorry I got mixed up with the names here.My answer goes out to Dearing who started the thread and is interested in buying the 20T's.