I have 20t's here now on audition. I'm going to buy them.
Running Levinson 390S direct into a pair of Levinson 33H.
Transparent reference balanced interconnects, Acoustic Zen
Hologram II Biwire Speaker cable.
If you are looking for "boom and sizzle" these aren't for you. A natural and relaxed presentation with speed and great dynamics. The tweeters are the best I've heard.
Not a speaker that wows you at first, however after extended listening with familiar music.......then come the wows.
I've been through planars from big Maggies thrue Infinity IRS Beta to large arrays such as the B&W Matrix 800. The 20t's so far are the most well balanced speaker I've had here yet. I'm also finding them music friendly, CD's I haven't played in awhile are back in rotation.
I'm satisfied!
Paul :-)