Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer

Just curious...

I have 2 subs, and due to space limits i have been thinking about going with Monitors and putting them on the subwoofers.

Here is my idea, if anyone knows if this will not work please let me know why.

Subwoofer on spikes.
On top of subwoofer either a marble or granite slab. Felt beneath the slab to keep it from scratching the top of the sub.
Monitor speakers coupled on small custom built stands (possibly built to hold sand or leadshot) to achieve the correct height, spikes on the stand which would sit on the granite above the subwoofer

Would this achieve decent isolation between the monitor and subwoofer? I see alot of speakers with built in subwoofers, or other types of speakers with the fullrange box and monitor on top, (GMA Continuims, Watt/puppy, etc)

Thoughts on this from you Coupleing/Isolation Guru's?

Would this do a decent job of isolation or should i look into other methods?
"as my speakers swing like schoolchildren on the jungle gym".

This could create for some cool ass imaging. It'll make Diana Krall sound like she's drowning or being blown around in the wind.
Gunbei, After Slappy just mentioned his Gladiator style bedroom attire, ceiling mounting with stainless or chains like the Bose 901 fad may not be a good idea? As with his slaves, subs, & hot psycho chicks, I'm just not grasping the school children style swing variety! I don't even wanna know what he ment of his statement "My Sweet Spot"!!!
Maybe i can mount couple hot psycho chicks in some chinese-love swings over the subwoofers with a monitor strapped to thier chest, with a pair of wolverines beneath the subwoofers. I can top it off by using those Amplifier shoes in that other thread and put em on the psycho's feet to amplify the monitors. Even throw in some of those Flower speakers for good measure.
I can sit there in my Medeival Combat Hockey Goalie attire and take audiopoint slapshots at the psychos if they start fidgiting.

Man, this isolation/coupling thing is pretty insane! Imagine the Pic i would put in my virtual system!
You would need identical twin twisted sisters for suspended psycho chicks to keep everything timbre matched. Go get busy! Put that natural spanish fly of yours to work, as you have virtual system pictures to take! Just remember Slaximus "What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity"!
Slappy, you really need to buy the Music Pump Monoblocks and Purse Preamp from Gilbert Yeung. Remember, you must match the audio equipment to the chicks.