Rives is for real. They are very knowledgable people and have enough experience to justify their advice. I have spoken with them on the phone, but have not used them yet. I have a basement listening room now, but I'm planning an addition onto the back of the house. I would like to move the listening room upstairs, but I'm not sure of my ability to compromise with my wife enough to be able to do it. That's why I have not spent the money to use Rives.
The difficult issue with a dedicated listening room is maintaining harmony, and I don't mean in the listening room. It's not worth it to move into the living room/family room if it's going to cause domestic disharmony. Which is why I have my listening room in the finished basement. If you use the Attic Option you will not have a conflict with the wife. If you use the living room conflict is likely to arise.
How much conflict are you willing to live with, or how strong is your constitution?
Either way try
http://www.rivesaudio.com If I knew where things were going to end up in my house I would have done it already.
If nothing else get their CARA software and see how things pan out on there.