Energy Veritas 2.1 sound too lean

I recently purchased a pair of Veritas 2.1 monitors and have reached the recommended 100 hour break-in period.
Overall the speakers sound great except for male vocalists who sound quite lean and slightly to the rear of the soundstage. I'm playing CD's through my Creek integrated amp sound which normally sounds fuller and more robust on my old mini-monitors. I can't seem to get the timbre and/or harmonics that I think these speakers should reproduce with male voices.
Anyone else have a similar problem? Possible solutions?
Energy speakers are clean, clinical. They are not warm at all. I also believe the Creek amp tends to the brighter side. So your problem may be one of systems matching. Before you do anything though, break-in the Energy loudspeakers which takes at least 100 hours. If the sound is till not to your liking try different amps.
GIve tube power a try...a nice round midrange would give the Energys some needed weight and warmth...Jolida comes to mind....
Are they on stands? the stands must have sand
in them. I put sand in my stands & they are a
totally different speaker. They were just like
you described before the sand.

Well, I've tried 3 different CD players, amps, cables, different rooms, stands, reverse phase, resistors on the tweeters, still burning these babies in 10 hours a day while I'm at work and though they do have a full range including some real nice bass for bookshelf speakers, the doggone male voices still sound bright and horns sound sizzly. I have't tried the "warm" tube amp yet but these things may have to go back to the dealer next week. Any further thoughts and tweaks before the FedEx man arrives?