Fancy Audio Electrical Outlet Causing Problems?

After having an electrician install a modified electrical outlet purchased from Bolder Cables the sound of my audio system has waned. It sounds lifeless, limp, like it's trying to get up but can't. No pop, no zing, no excitement. Is it possible that this outlet is causing a reduction in the quality of the sound? The components: McIntosh MA6500 integrated amp, Rega Jupiter CDP and Tannoy speakers. I've messed around with different component, cables, etc and the sound still sounds lifeless. Ideas appreciated.
Can you tell I'm ready to resolve this! I just put the Jupiter in place of my Planet in my office system and it sounds byootayful! So the problem is not the Jupiter (thank god). Wow, what a CDP.
At last a clue!!! You said the other outlet was un-grounded.

Was the new and improved outlet a grounded outlet? (probably)

Did the Electrician ground this outlet from a source that was not present before?

Have you added in a new ground source from somewhere?

Have you tried lifting the ground on the new outlet?

Institutions aren't as bad as you think. I'd really consider using dedicated power, It's quite the tweak.

I sold both of my power conditioners after adding 6 circuits to my gear

Ask Albert how many dedicated circuits he uses, I DARE YOU!!!!!! :^)
What did we do before dedicated circuits, line conditioners, and after-market power cords? Just enjoy the music?
Yeah, but then we found that dedicated circuits not only eliminated the lights in the room dimming (Good reason to give wife)when the amp turned on, but improved the sound as well. My Hubbels from worked well and still do after several years, for what it's worth.
I was just about ready to install dedicated circuits myself. Then I read your tale of woe. I think I'll wait awhile now.

You have my sympathy. I am convinced that Tim Taylor wired my house. I'm kind of afraid of the can of worms that will be opened up when I rewire. You know you're in trouble when the electrician giving the estimate is shaking his head and whistling.