Infinity Prelude MTS


I have Infintiy Prelude MTS system hooked up with Krell KSA-100S Power, Pass Aleph Pre and Musical Fidelity A3.24 DAC with Denon DVD2800. I listen all kinds of music(Classical, Rock, Dance, Pop, Korean Pop Music...) I am currently quite satisfied with my system. However, sometime, I wish to get deeper and more 3-diminsonal sound stage. I want I am able to tell exactly where each musician is on the stage. I have a plan to upgrade my amps or DAC someday. but, I'd like to know that the Infinity Prelude has enough potential to make my investment worth.
I have seen the Prelude matches with new KRELL Power Amps a lot. Does It match with KRELL the best? What is the best Pre/Power amp for the Prelude? Can cable upgrade dramatically improve sound stages? (I have low-level Kimber, Audioquest cables)

Any suggestion will be highly appreciated. Thank you.
I have these speakers, and I also had the Krell KSA 150, I now have the Krell FPB 600, what a big difference, much more musical with larger soundstage, FPB 300 also great. Front end also very important. I go with Pbb Note: spend your money on where it make sense.

Good luck

I also tried some good pre-amps, WOW I couldn't believe what a difference it made,( Soundstage) I think it is often overlooked.
I have owned/sold these speakers in the past. Overall, I like what the speaker offers/can do! They are plenty clear, detailed(in the league of B&W nautilus, NHT 3.3 tweeter detail, and similar), fast, dynamic enough(inpart due to powered sub and multi upper bass/mid drivers), fairly coherent, exteneded, and uncolored well as musical! They have kind of a Theil-like palate, which is clear. But then, you know that I presume.
The deal with the soundstage with those speakers, is that it's a bit "upfront" in the soundstage compared to others! I've noticed this with many associated gear choices with them. I've owned Thiels, Merlin's, Sonus Faber Electa Amator's, etc, as well as the MTS's, and I'm sure of my findings. The soundstage is simply not as 3 dimmensional sounding as some. But nothing's perfect. also, yes, you can experiment around with more "laid back" gear, like tube amps and pre's and such. This might greatly help.
for me however, this speaker makes a superb overall listener, for both all music and movie needs! Infact, as high end sounding speaker/transducer, not many does better for HT dubties at such a level! Infact, most high end "great imaging" speakers aren't as involving and dynamic as this speaker for HT!!!!...or rock, heavy dynamic music chioces, etc!!! Overall, I liked this speaker a great deal. And, it's classy my eye anyway.
Yes, cabling could help, regardless of what they're wired with!..that's been my finding. I don't know which SPECIFIC one's you're dealing with, as each is different. You might tinker there as well. Good luck
A late answer, but try out the Pass Labs X350 it's have a incredible soundspectrum and so much power you need.
A own 2 of the X350's to drive my Infinity IRS Sigma, and it sound like a billion buck, it has everything, deep bas, enormus " reality ".
Nelson Pass secund best amplifier ever, the best is big brother the X 600.
