Best $1k pair of floor standing speakers?

I know, I know, not another best of thread.
But here goes...
I can pick up a brand new pair of KEF Q7's for a little less than a grand.
I've heard them, liked them very much, but I'd like to check out a few others.
Any suggestions?

Some good suggestions above, although I would not personally recommend electrostatic or planar speakers in your rather small room. I'll add only one choice to the mix: a pair of used Vandersteen 2Ce's -- you might even find a pair of used 2Ce Signatures at just over $1k. The Vandies pair very nicely with your McCormack electronics, and will also perform well in a smaller room. If you want a nearly full-range speaker that simply makes great music, you won't find much (maybe any) competition with the 2Ce / 2Ce Signature for around $1k.
To paraphrase an anonymous Soliloquoy dealer, "They really don't sound good at all with solid state amps. With tubes, excellent value". At the time, I was considering them for my HT system. This dealer had no interest in discouraging me from them. After listening, I was in agreement.
I second Sdcampbell's recommendation of used Vandy 2ce. Particularly synergistic with McCormack. I believe they used to show together at some of the audio shows...

I'm going to have to contradict a few people here, and what is a generally held consensus. My room is comparable in dimensions to Geoh's, except it opens into a dining room at the rear. I have had much better results across the board with my LFT-VIIIa planar hybrids than with a pair of vandersteen 2cis in the same room. Of course, these are with my ears and my room (although my girlfriend thinks the lfts sound much better, too).
Hello Gitarretyp I see you really like the Eminents. I talked to Bruce Thigpen for an hour or so a couple of months ago. I still haven't had the chance to listen to his speakers yet thou. Hard to locate them setup. Most people don't know he holds several ribbon driver patents.Some are used in Monsoon and VMPS speakers.Really nice guy maybe I will eventually get a chance to check them out ..his factory is maybe 3 hrs from me but he doesn't have a room setup for listening.

Enjoy the Eminents and happy listening!