listener fatigue? go analogue.

I own B&W CDM 1NT speakers and often I want to sell them.
The first impression was good but after 20 minutes listening to them I didn't enjoy my music, I bought a phono-amp and started listen to some LP's, away was the hard sound,
now they sound smooth and warm and I can listen hours to
them. I own this speakers for three years, now I enjoy them. I don't say CD is bad but analogue is better, it's not as clinical or cold.
I will not sell my speakers.
Sometimes it also depend on the musicality and the set
up of the system,A month ago I changed my ic on my (vynil)
second system, not realising the system did improved
so much in terms of musicality,involvement,synergisity,
I did not even evalute, when I replace the ic, It turns
out, it was the missing puzzle.I agree with DAzzdax,
and Vvrinc.
Please do not take offense to my post but your equipment has no synergy. Rotel has a tendancy to sound forward and yes sometimes aggressive (not as bad as Adcom but not great either). Your B&W's are also highly revealing and will reproduce what is put into them. My advice, sell your Rotel Gear and by a Tube Integrated Amplifier. You will be amazed. Also, maybe consider a tube CD Player with a more relaxed sounding amp like an Electrocompaniet integrated. All this equipment can be found used for not that much more than your Rotel equipment. Once this is done, I think you will hear a different sound from your speakers... Good Luck!

Chris aka the Kid said a mouthful and was what i was getting at. Only difference is, Chris had more info to work with than what i did : )

Other than that, there is no mention of cabling being used for either interconnects, speaker cabling or power cords. For that matter, no mention of any type of room treatments or AC conditioning either. Hard to offer constructive suggestions with limited background on the situation. Sean
My speakers strongest points are at the same time their
The speakers are detailled and analytical, so you can hear
everything including the weakness of your system, cd or lp.
I have also Linn kan 3 speakers, they're far from transparant as my B&W's, but with my rotel gear the sound is softer ( not so harsch ), but with lp's the Kans sound not as good.

Seems like the concensus of this thread is either upgrade your CD player and/or replace wires or amplification to 'color' the sound or listen to your records.