Adjustable-height speaker stands--comments/recs?

I'm thinking about trying out a few small speakers (e.g., GMA Europa, Ref 3a, one or another Harbeth, others). If I decide to keep any of them, I'll look at getting good stands of the right height. But during the evaluation process, I'd like to have one set of stands that I can adjust to work with each pair of speakers, and also so I can play around with finding just the right height for my listening position.

Lots of adjustment range would be ideal, so I can play with mini monitors if I choose. And a top plate that can handle the very small to the much larger speaker. Affordable and attractive is good, too. Any recommendations?
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Thanks everybody! The Usher stands have only a 10 cm adjustment, which is not enough. The Standesigns sound like the right idea (good price, too), but 30"-40" seems not quite right for the kinds of middle-sized speakers I want to try. Better would be something that adjusts from, say, 18"-32", but maybe that's not feasible.