In a showroom audition consisting of Cary v12, CDP and pre, sig 805 vs the new Dynaudio 1.4, I found myself drawn to the 1.4's. The 805's quickly became fatiguing to me. Audition music consisted of Jack Johnson (On and On -dealer's choice). Gidon Kremer (Tango Ballet - my choice) and Alicia de Larrocha (Albeniz: Obras para piano - again my choice). To my ears, on that particular day, I remember the Dyn's as being the more 'musical' speaker. The Jack Johnson simply boogied (I had never heard him before, but I ran out and bought that CD that evening!), though I did think the bass was slightly 'loose' (due to tube amp I suspect). With the Gidon Kremer, I listenned to almost the entire disc on the 1.4 without realizing I was supposed to be listenning to the 'equipment. On the other hand, the 805 only left with the lackluster impression, 'that's nice'. With the Albeniz piano music, I found the midrange to be a little forward or exagerated on the 805's, the highs on the 'tizzy' or metalic side. In comparison, the 1.4's seemed to have smoother tonal balance. my 2 cents!