I searched for 2 years looking and listening at stores and private homes. Everyone on the web likes to talk down the big boys and talk up the latest designer-of-the-month. I have friends with Kharmas, Eggleston Andras, Sonas Faber Amaties, Marten Logans, Maggies, Vandersteins, Wilsons, etc... and I ended up with Nautilus 802s and I love them. I'm driving them with Levinson and they sound FANTASTIC!!! I was told they suck power and I'm using 100 watts per and the sound lacks nothing. They also love Cardas Golden Referance or Kimber Select. What pushed me to buy was a fantastic deal from a dealer on perfect demos in red cherry for less than used. I'm SO glad I made the move. Peace and Good Listening, Pat.