The Demise of the Hi-End Audio Store

Ok. So I've read hundred's of forum posts from a lot of people and one question keeps popping into my head. Where does everyone listen (test out) all of this equipment? I don't know about you but I live in a fairly populated area, Cleveland/Akron Ohio area, and while there are a few (and I only mean a few) high end audio stores in my area, there are limited hi end brands in those stores. Ten years ago that was a different story, but this is the reality today.

So while I want to listen to equipment I'm interested in (Jolida, Prima Luna, Silverline, LSA, the list goes on and on), there isn't the opportunity.

Does everyone really travel hundreds of miles to listen to new components or do you do your research and buy what you think will work and go from there?

So there you go. Nothing to complain about. I do relate to the OP though. Yes, they only carried a few brands. But a handful of hi end shops in a population of 200,000 or so covered the entire range, pretty well. All the best brands were represented. Carly Simon summed it up pretty well also.
Every year there are at least half a dozen audio shows spread out across the country (last yr NY, MI, FL, GA, CA, NV, WA, MO, CO, TX, DC) No one has to travel more than two states away to find at least 80-175 brands represented.

I realize that doesn't replace taking one home for a week, it is an opportunity to listen and talk with the Rep. and see if they have a philosophy that gels with your own idea of sound reproduction.

Keep in mind that this is a hobby with limited appeal to most 7.3 billion people worldwide. You may have to put forth a little effort to participate.
Going to a high-end shop or show to listen is akin to test driving a car you plan to buy. It's something we do, but it means little. In the end we have to depend on information from the people that do it for a living. The professionals. Read, read, and read some more, decide on a guru / trusted friends, then take your chances.
I agree with Elizabeth on this one. The farther out in the hinterlands you are or were the fewer stores and items to audition so the internet is great. Hell, out on the prairie it's hard to find an audiophile much less a real live brick and mortar high end audio store. On the coasts the situation is probably different.
Geez.. I live in So. California and within a 20 min. drive of 6, I repeat 6 hi-end establishments. 3 are brick and mortar , 3 are stucco and brick--they sell out of their homes. I'm probably leaving out a few. Two sell Wilson speakers-(do we really need two?)and all carry a whole slew of products.Yes I may be fortunate here but I mostly buy my stuff on audiogon.