Matching amp for Talon Khorus

Hi Audiogoners,
I am calling Talon Khorus's owners for opinions and experiences.
I'm building a new system around Talon Khorus X(CMRC Upgraded). The rest are BAT31se, Sony 777ES cd player, Quatro fill, Golden cross i/c cables, Shunyata power cables....
At budget 3k-5k, What amp (either Tube or SS)should be on my short list to take most advantages of the full potential of these speakers to be good matching for classical instrument, vocal, jazz and modern opera....
I would also appricate all adivses, comments from whom with current experiences with Talon Khorus X.
Thank you all and Happy Listening
Best Regards,


The Parasound JC-1s, Sim Audio amps, Belles mono amps, Bryston mono amps would all work well with the Talons.

Happy Listening.
I have owned a pair of Khorus for over a year now as well as the BAT 31SE. Because the Khorus is more efficient than many other larger speakers, like the Thiels, Avalons, Magnepans, etc., I would shoot more for higher quality rather than higher power.

If you really like the BAT sound, I suggest you consider a pair of the VK60s on the used market....or perhaps even the solid state BAT amps. I have found that the Counterpoint NPS400 is an excellent match. Even a pair of Counterpoint amps would be a killer setup here. But if this is for a HT system where the system is on much of the time, then a lower powered solid state amp like the Pass X150 would be more than enough. So many choices here like the Plinius 102, smaller Goldmunds, etc., because of this speaker's easy drivablility.
I am runnig a VK5i and VK60 with the Khorus X and they sound great toghther. I believe Mike Farnsworth of Talon runs BAT tubes. I have looked at the monoblocks, but do not have the space.