Revel Salons in an enclosure?

In an attempt to hide my large Revel Salons, I am considering placing them behind cabinets. How much will this compromise it's sound? I know the Salons have a rear port and rear firing tweeter.
I thought I was listening? Hence the question, what are my alternatives besides the Salons which can be cabinet mounted or wall mounted?

09-12-04: Prpixel
Listen to what Leftistelf said above and fire your interior designer and hire an acoustic engineer
Should I go with the Bose 901s, I heard they are the best .

09-12-04: Ellery911
"And this I presume are done by the pros (?)"
just because someone gets paid for what they are doing doesn't mean they are good at it IMO
just go Bose
From what I have heard, the best in walls are the legacy audio ones...never heard them myself but they may be right up your alley...but from what I also gather, the best soundstaging will come from freestanding it's a decision that your eyes and ears will have to make...sonics vs. speaker consealment...oh...the Bose comment was toungue in cheek.
Ellery911, thanks for the suggestion, I will try them out. My 901 comment was tongue in cheek as well. Audigon deleted my grin in parenthesis. It's weird what it chooses to censor.
In response to your 9/12 question, how about something that is designed to be corner or boundary re-enforced, like a Klipsch corner horn? Or maybe something more upscale and modern like a CAR Hartfield? The horns might be dy-no-mite for HT. Just a thought.