Recommend new floorstanding around $1500/pr please

Music preference is broad from classic to jazz to rock.

Rel Strata 5 subwoofer will be used together.

It'll also be used for fronts for movie.
Go take a look at Soliloquy on Audiogon, there is a pair of new "B' stock of 6.2's in Rosewood for $1250 - they received excellent reviews.
Send me an email, I can direct you to another source.
Thanks guys or girls.

Also, it'll be very nice if you can provide some website link of the manufacturer or something as well.
Would you not concider used? You could probably get a better speaker for $1500. used then you could new for same price? Just a thought.With your REL Strata, a nice pair of slim towers by VonSchweikert like the VR2 would be in your range or the aforementioned Soliloquy 6.2's are a bagain at the "B" stock prices. Evey one I know who has them just loves them.