Speakers and Stands. What do you use between them?

Hello to all.
I have a pair of JM Labs Electra 905's on lead shot filled stands with rubber gasket material between.
I have been thinking of changing the rubber gasket material with something else.
Rubber bumpers? Cones? Blue tack? Both? or something else?
I listen to Jazz, Female vocals and Rock (nothing Heavy or Hard).
Any help with this would be welcomed.
Thanks, Rick.
Ag insider logo xs@2xramond
If the whole speaker enclosure vibrates back and forth relative to the floor (perhaps in response to the push pull of the woofer), the mid and high frequency information will be smeared, adversely impacting your imaging. In the spirit of reducing the susceptibility of the speaker enclosures from physically vibrating, I would want to couple them firmly to a massy object, like your lead filled stands and/or through to the floor. With this in mind, I would use Cones or Blue Tack. The Blue Tack flattens out and acts more like a layer of glue than a layer of rubber. I actually use Blue Tack in one of my systems. I would avoid the rubber bumpers. Good luck.
Blue Tack between my CDM1nt's and the stands...with a small ball of it near each corner (1/2" ball should do), my speakers have never budged...you can get it at wal mart for 1/5 the price of the audio related places...same stuff too.
I tried a few different tweaks and got the best results with little tiny audiopoints. They are +/- 3/8" tall, three per monitor, two in the front and one in the back.

The detail resolution for my Talon Khites became razor sharp.
