Any Gershman speaker owners

Was wondering if you had any feedback about the speakers sound,company reputation and your associated equipment.Thanks in advance for your time and energy,Bob
I bought a pair of RX-20 Avant Garde's within the last month. I bought them used for use in a second, bedroom system. I can't speak so much about company reputation, but I have opinions on the sound. If you want all the details, send me an email and I'll tell you what I think.
Has anyone out there listened to the GAP828s yet,I would like to know what you think of them. I could not find anything on them at all in reviews. Thanks JIM
I heard the GAP 828s at this year's CES. To me, it was one of the highlights of the show. It pulled off the rare trick of sounding lively, dynamic and articulate without being harsh or thin or overbearing. I do not recall any other speakers in its price range that I was as impressed with at CES or THE SHOW.

Of course it is hard to judge anything at a show, but, if it can sound good under those conditions, I'm sure it can be made to sound even better.