What are your favorite monitors?

I'm interested to hear what your favorite monitors are, both for general reasons and specific reasons. There seem to be a lot of quality monitors out there and it's an easy size to deal with. I'd like to become more familiar with more of them.

For the more specific reason. I'm going to be able to set up a small system in a small room using a modified SS Blue Circle integrated amp and RA Opus 21 CDP. Right now I have a pair of Spendor S3/5 speakers that are very good and this is the approximate size box I'm interested in, but larger are fine too. For this small system are there other monitors that you might recommend, that perhaps have a synergy with BC electronics? With so many monitors available and few available for local demo I would appreciate your critiques of the speakers you like.

I use Audience Au24 speaker cables. My music preference is for mostly classical (not a lot of orchestral), jazz, space music, bluegrass, finger picking acoustic guitar, and some rock music (but don't expect to rock out). I don't like bright speakers. The speakers may not be able to be too far out from the wall; consider this near-filed listening. Since the majority of monitors are not terribly expenisve I'm open to most suggestions price-wise. Thanks.
What, still no Warren yet? No Caravelle this or that? And the stands? Warren, your letting us down :>).

I agree about the Europa's, it is a fine monitor.


PS - Maybe he is a devoted Republican and is glued to the Prez speaking on TV, or is watching re-run's of it for fun.
Warren is without a doubt more concerned about sittin down to a good hard critical listening to his caravelles than to sit here listening to all you folk banter on and on.
Slappy, I imagine you are right. Sorry, i just couldn't resist having a little fun.
Plus, I think there were a number of other owners suppoting the Caravelle speaker. Hey, I haven't heard it. Would like to.
Warren's coming down from a bad trip. Someone lent him a pair of tube monoblocks and tube pre and he's still reeling in the realization of what a huge mistake he's made in sticking with the SS rig of his. Probably he's just embarrassed and ashamed to confess it to all of you, and now that I've outted him he'll just deny every word of it. Give him a break guys.....let him recoop and figure out how he's gonna' offload that boat anchor of an SS amplifier annonymously to replace it with the real deal. Probably won't be needing those inefficient speakers anymore either so one of you other poor sots with big hat and no cattle can pick'em up cheap. Watch for those sales under the new member ID "SerenityNow" :-p

My favorite monitors of those I've heard are Silverline SR17. Imaging champs, efficient, sounds so low comin' out of em' you'll think they put a subway underneath your floor. OK, that last part is an exagerration, but you look at these tiny gorgeous little things and wonder where the heck they get a voice like that. Not bright in any which way whatsoever. They are rear-ported though and need some breathing room to bring up that low end so I don't know if that eliminates them from consideration. Did I say they were gorgeous? I want them to have my children! Yeah, that rear port's looking pretty sexy right about now!

Here I be...my fellow audiophools... you've made my day...lol...thanks for being so gentle.....peace, warren