What do you think Audiogon does right? or wrong?

Ok, a little self reflection...

What do you think Audiogon does right (or the best)?

What do you think Audiogon does wrong?

Personally I love the Virtual Systems, whoever thought of this should get a gold star.

The thing I last like about this site has to do with Auctions. I think the high bidder should be listed (like ebay does for auctions that are not private) for each item. When I cannot tell who I am bidding against, I sometimes am hesitant to bid.

I'd love to see the Blue Book info automatically turn up on every "for sale" ad. I'd like to see what the item sold for new, as well as high/low/averages for the unit, and the sellers asking price all appear on the ad. More datapoints, readily at hand, make the process that much easier. What do you say AudioGon?
I would like to see an picture icon next to a listing like ebay does. It would be nice to be able to tell which adds have pictures without having to open each one. Aside from that I think this is a great site.
I enjoy, and have participated in, just about everything that is on this site. I have bought equipment and sold equipment off the classifieds. I have entered posts into all the forum pages. I have bid on auctions. Sold music on the music classifieds. Posted a Virtual System. Done a couple Reviews. Made some friends, helped some people, irritated a few people, and had alot of fun. It is a very rare site that can maintain this level of interest. I come here every day. Good work, Audiogon!
I love the format.
The user friendliness.
The speed and ease of navigation.

To further paraphrase Albertporter, I very sorry I didn't think of this first (or second; Albertporter beat me to this comment too).

Nice community too! (I beat Albertporter to this one)
The only complaints I have very had about AudiogoN were when I didn't know my way around it. I am barely computer literate (some might argue that I am barely literate) but I find it very easy to get around here now.
The forums are great. I follow many of them and have found a huge divergence of opinions and for the most part people are able to disagree without stooping to infantile behavior. It's nice to encounter intelligent adults from whom one can learn and grow, and buy.
My system has changed significantly since I found this site. Thanks to the ghosts behind this machine!!!