Wilson WP 7, ATC SCM150ASL, or Meadowlark BH-2

I have heard some rave reviews about the ATC SCM150ASL and the less expensive Meadowlark Blue Heron-2s. Some say the latter two speakers can do everything the Wilsons can and more.

Has anyone auditioned these three?
I did extensive auditioning of the Wilson 7s and the Medowlark Blue Heron-2s . Unfortunately they were not in similar setups. The Wilsons were set up with a Hovland pre and amps and the Medowlarks were set up with first Cary gear then Accuphase. I went back and forth between the set ups over several months with both LPs and CDs.
Maybe you could make an arguement that the Blue Heron 2 can do almost everything a Watt 5 can do, almost. But, it can't touch the Watt 7. I wanted it to because of the price but, no amount of positioning the speaker gave the it the bass or soundstage or depth of the Watt 7.
Check out the following comparison between the Wilson WP 7 and ATC SCM150ASL. It's an interesting read.
WP7/ATC150 comparison
While I have not heard them side by side, I would take ATC active 100's in a second over Wilson. However, ATC 100's need to be played fairly loud to "come on song" - maybe 75 dB as a guess. They also have a smaller sweet spot as wide dispersion is not so important in studio monitors.
I have side by side reviewed the Watt Puppy 7's and sophia's against ATC's and the ATC's are in a class of their own. They were much better then the wilsons and more enjoyable to listen to. They are so deceiving, at loud levels they still seem to be playing low because they are so smooth. The harshness and that feeling of keeping your hand on the volume button just dissappears. I realized just after I replaced my speakers with ATC's that for the first time in my life I set my system to reference level and never touched one thing for the whole movie. I looked over to my girlfriend and said "wow i just realized that I never once had to play with volume or levels". It was just pure bliss and enjoyment. My local dealer is a wilson, rogue, krell and ATC dealer with others as well of course and guess what? You got it, he has ATC's in his house and said they are the best speakers in the world hands down. Don't ask the dealer what he sells, ask him what is in HIS reference system...

Hi Maestro2be,
Are you referring to active or passive ATC's when you compared them with the Wilson's. If they were passive, were you using the same power amplifier?
I recently heard some active 150's at the ATC factory in Stroud, UK and they were awesome even with there cheap source and cables!!