"3 Dimensional Sound"?

Many speaker ads boast of "3 dimensional sound" from their product. I can easily hear the width dimension (based on left and right panning) and a sense of depth. But can you get height information from two speakers?
I've definitely experienced that illusion. A lot of it depends on the recording.
While I've experienced the illusion too, not that many speakers can get the height aspect right--Dunlavy/Duntech and big Maggies seem to do it well, the Wilson Watt/Puppies never seemed to do it that well to me. However, while you're correct about what SHOULD constitute three-dimensional sound, I don't think the marketers are really referring to height, but rather to a concept of holographic imaging so that the images in a soundstage appear as more than flat images--a soundstage you feel like you could walk into, perhaps, with three-dimensional rather than flat images of performers within the soundstage. A lot more speakers can do that.
I have a Chesky test disc that has a track with the height test where a shaker is recorded with a single microphone going from low to high with the narrator teling you where it is. I definitely can tell in my system that the shaker is moving from low to high. The recording would have to be done with a single or two microphones to capture this natural soundstage. Most recordings now are done in a studio on a multi-track, recorded at different sessions even, so I doubt they reveal the soundstage this way. Some labels stresses the single mic approach in a natural hall like a church to recreate the live experience, notably Chesky and Mapleshade.