Can the Totem Hawk Rock?

I was told by a dealer, who distributes both Totem and B&W that the Hawks are superior in every way to the B&W 704 except for volume (Note: the 704 is an excellent speaker). This particular dealer does not stock the Hawk, because he stocks the Staff and claims the two are so close in sound. I already know from second-hand research that I would prefer the Hawk over the Staff. However, I hate to ask the dealer to bring in the Hawk specially for me if there’s a chance I might not like their sound - thus my thread. I appreciate quick detail, image and clarity, a good soundstage, etc., but I do like to crank up the volume when the wife and kids are away. I'm from the old-school and like to "feel" the music right in my chest. When the dealer said the Totem's wouldn’t play as loud as the B&W's I thought I should ask you Agoners before I drive 3 hrs to listen to a pair of speakers that the dealer would have to bring in specially for me to demo. I've demo'd the 704's and was impressed with their ability to play loud, but I was not that happy with their overall sound.
Note: My listening room is small (12 x 15) - due to layout, I'm forced set up and listen between the shorter distance (12 feet). I can bring the speakers out 18 - 20 inches without freaking the wife out too much (that is the max though!)

Thanks in advance to your responses. Keep in mind, my budget is only $2,200.00 max. so no need to remind me of all the really great, but pricey, speaker choices.
i would agree with the other posts. the hawks are a better speaker than the sttaf, and the forests are a better speaker than the hawks. the forest speakers have a better bottom end than the hawks but in your room, the hawks should be just fine. another option for you would be to listen to the totem mani 2's. a fantastic speaker. they are a larger monitor type speaker with dual (isobaric) woofers. i traded up from a pair of totem model 1's with a rel strata III sub to the mani 2's in my audio room. my audio room is about the same size as yours and the mani's work out perfectly. i also use a pair of totem arros in my 12 x 13 ft den. as for amplification, totem's need power and more the better. in your size room, a good choice of totem speakers would be: model 1's or rainmaker with a good fast rel or totem sub; or the hawk, forest, or mani 2. i would have my model 1's cranked pretty loud without any strain.

BTW, IMO, totem speakers blow away B&W speakers!
Rock?...realistically, at modest levels, rock'in would really need those speakers to be subwoofer assisted. I know I could easily send those drives into audible distress, compression, distortion, you name it. My suggestion for people wanting to rock with speakers such as these(by the way, the long wall will get you better sound easier likely, wiht less tinkering) is to cross em over with a pre/pro and enlist the help of a sub! Trust me, full range through a smaller passive speakers like those is going to be limited with high dynamic source material, most definitely. letting em play down to about 80hz crossed over yields 100-200% better dynamic range and headroom easily. yes, you might potentially sacrifice ultimite purity with some pre/pro's this way for music, but you more than gain in the dynamics. And, with some pre/pro's you can use "dirrect through-put" for more purity. Or, if your CD/DVD player is just so-so digitally, go digital dirrect and process that way...otherwise, leave your standard 2 channel set up for more delicate chores.
Basically, if you like the Totems(you'll have to listen), and you want to rock, you need to maximize dynamics, and some compromises might be necesary. Thus is the nature of the beast with passive setup's like yours. If you doubt, just pop in "Fluke/Absurd" or most any Metalica cut into your system playing full range (w/o a sub, full range) and listen to your speakers crying for help!..not to mention flat distorted, undynamic sound overall.
As for your concern about buying the Totems, I don't get it. Buy em and sell em if you don't like. I don't understand people's thinking they'll find the ultimate sound with "one shot"! don't work that way. Try em in your room/system and you'll know. Otherwise, you'll only assume/guess. It's a takes time. Throw it out there and see. If you're unwilling to "make second best chioces" with this stuff, you'll never know anything. Besides, they won't be your last speaker anyway. There's always more me.
I have a little Totem experience as a former Totem Forest owner and having dealt with a super Totem dealer and meeting many other Totem speaker owners on Agon, I feel somewhat qualified to offer suggestions here. There definately is significant improvement in performance as you move up the Totem line. I was all set to buy the Hawks until I heard the Forests. While both are good speakers, the Forests simply handle loud music better and will rock. Two separate dealers I trust told me the tweeters on the Hawks simply can't compete with the tweeters on the Forests. You can commonly p/u a pair of Forests under $1900 which (imo) is a great deal. If you really want to eaperience Totem sound, Rbstehno is a big proponent of the Mani 2s which I think is a step up from the Forest in soundstage and bass reproduction. Of course, good quality amplification is critical to yield all you can from these speakers. I'm not telling you the Hawk is not a good choice, only that for a few more $$ the Forests or Manis might be the way to go. Good luck.
If you add a-bit more for used pair you may have Forrests that are substantially better performers of nearly any kind of music...
Fantastic advice from all. I love this website...I'm hooked; had to get up early today (before the "honeydo's" and check for responses).
A lot of responses dealt with having sufficient power for the Totem's. So, give it to me straight, do I have enough power? I'm powering my speakers with an Audio Research D-240 (IMHO a good solid state amp). That's 240 watts per into 4 ohms or 120 per into 8 ohms (not sure what the math is for 6 ohms). Not sure what the Totems are; I assume 6 ohms? Anyway, it's a tuff little amp and my Musical Design tube preamp helps to smooth out the solid state sound. I'm running the Martin Logan Sequel II's just fine right now. I'm not sure how efficient the ML's are?