Still pondering Paradigms

The selection of speakers to audition is limited in my area. However, with a budget of $1,600.00, I can't afford the majority of the really good higher-end speakers out there. There is a Paradigm dealer here, and I must say, that I was impressed with the Studio 40's. At least I think I was!!

My dilemma is that I need to replace my ML Sequel II's (wife says there too big) and I've been very happy with their sound. I don't want to give up too much of what the ML's offer - clear, transparent upper and mid-range frequency. At the same time, I would like to find something with some good tight lower end. All this must be accomplished with $1,600.00 and fit into a very small room (12 x 14).

I thought I actually heard some darn good low end coming from the Paradigm Studio 40's (surprising for a bookshelf). And, they were very quick and didn't appear to sound harsh in the uppers. Can this be?

Would this speaker actually be a reasonable replacement for the Sequel II's?? Keep in mind; I wouldn't be getting rid of the Sequels if my wife weren’t making me shrink my sound room (for a kids room).

Okay, here's the bottom line: Is Paradigm the real deal? Are the 40's as good as what I've been reading? Can I find something better for the money? Are there any happy and satisfied Paradigm Studio 40 owners out there? Any persons out there familiar with the ML Sequel II’s and the performance of the Paradigms??

Note: My buddy, who's a B&W dealer, (I can't afford the 704's) says the Paradigms pretty much suck in comparison to the ML Sequel II's (I bought the ML's from him). But, that's not what my ears are telling me.
Ummmm, as I told the last 'Goner who wondered about how a certain speaker sounds: get a pair from the dealer and take 'em home and see what they sound like in your listening environment. Anything else is mere supposition and speculation...

2chnlben: You're right, I just checked their dealer list, they don't have a dealer in IA. You're in a tough spot. I would have never have bought them if I didn't hear them in my living room. Are there better speakers for comperable cost, sure, many Gonners have suggestons, I'm just trying to help you with my opinion based on experience with both Paradigms and Europas. You could always p/u a used pair and re-sell if you are unhappy. Regarding their bass, it's all relative, if I told you the bass was good what would that mean? For full range sound you'll need a sub. I'm content at this point to enjoy sweet vocals w/o a sub. Let us know what you decide.
Sometimes supposition and speculation is all that you can get...Even in the fairly mid-sized city I live in, there is only one real audio dealer...I have to count on reviews and word of mouth, which I do when I buy anything from audiogoners...
How about takening a look at the Eminent Tech LFT-VIIIA. I've owned several Paradigm models and spent hours with different models.They are good speakers.But it will not give you the speed,clarity,and neutrality that you have become accustom too from the E-stat. The Eminents are only 13 inches wide. They will work in that room and you won't be going backwards in sound.Your dealer/friend is right on point!
If you decide to buy the Paradigms after the MLs. I doubt you will own them more than a month before they show up on Agon.

I've also owned the Europas. A terrific monitor but it's like comparing apples to oranges against the Eminents.
The Eminents are just alot more speaker.

Good Luck!

Or, you could be like me, buy a used pair sight unseen/unheard on Audiogon and if you don't like 'em, sell 'em and try something else.

A lot of us on A'GoN take that approach because if you buy used you stand to lose very little and you get to "live" with them for as long as you'd like.

It's sometimes difficult to get a good feel for a component without spending more than a weekend or a week with it.

Do the research and listen to what your audio brethren have to offer.

Have fun!