Still pondering Paradigms

The selection of speakers to audition is limited in my area. However, with a budget of $1,600.00, I can't afford the majority of the really good higher-end speakers out there. There is a Paradigm dealer here, and I must say, that I was impressed with the Studio 40's. At least I think I was!!

My dilemma is that I need to replace my ML Sequel II's (wife says there too big) and I've been very happy with their sound. I don't want to give up too much of what the ML's offer - clear, transparent upper and mid-range frequency. At the same time, I would like to find something with some good tight lower end. All this must be accomplished with $1,600.00 and fit into a very small room (12 x 14).

I thought I actually heard some darn good low end coming from the Paradigm Studio 40's (surprising for a bookshelf). And, they were very quick and didn't appear to sound harsh in the uppers. Can this be?

Would this speaker actually be a reasonable replacement for the Sequel II's?? Keep in mind; I wouldn't be getting rid of the Sequels if my wife weren’t making me shrink my sound room (for a kids room).

Okay, here's the bottom line: Is Paradigm the real deal? Are the 40's as good as what I've been reading? Can I find something better for the money? Are there any happy and satisfied Paradigm Studio 40 owners out there? Any persons out there familiar with the ML Sequel II’s and the performance of the Paradigms??

Note: My buddy, who's a B&W dealer, (I can't afford the 704's) says the Paradigms pretty much suck in comparison to the ML Sequel II's (I bought the ML's from him). But, that's not what my ears are telling me.
The Totems also sound very different from each other. In my experience the Arro sounded okay, but the Hawk blew it away for not too much more $$$.
I agree w/Upstateaudio; the paradigms are good for what they are, but IMHO they won't satisfy most w/high end aspirations in the long run. They are more of a HT, short listening session "sizzle" kind of speaker.
If you want to buy them, I dare you to try listening at the store for 90 minutes straight, uninterrupted with your favorite music. No sales-dude-chit-chat at every track's end. Bet you can't sit there for 90 minutes. That says it all. This is a good test for any gear. Fatigue kills! Cheers, Spencer
It's certainly your call on speaker choice, but as an owner of Paradigm Studio 40, Totem Forest and GMA Europa, my system & my ears identified the Europa as the better choice. Why not try them out for yourself? I know from posts above that you are in "Audio wasteland" and that auditions are tough, however, there are a pair of Mahagony Forests for sale here for a killer price, there are also a pair of Studio 40s on auction here for a killer price. Buy them both, check them out in your home and sell the pair that you like the least. There are even a pair of Europas here for a fair price that you could run against either of the aforementioned as well. Try them out (or any of the other recommended speaker from 'Gonners)and choose for yourself, it's the only real way to be confident you made the right choice. Sure you might be out the shipping costs, but your conciounce will be clear. Good luck with your decision.
The Totem web was limited - where are the dealers? How much are the Hawks? I don't think I'm going to be happy with any bookshelf. I'm accustom to more range. The Hawks are the right size. I bet they're pricey??
Email them or call them at Also you may want to contact them for a recommendation for your room size and musical tastes. The Hawks are above your budget at~$2400. The Staff is also an option but IMHO does not sound as good as the Hawks.

I have been amazed at how much bass can emanate from their small boxes.
I don't see how anyone can comment without any knowledge of the electronics your running. Paradigms are very good speakers, especially the 40 and 60 v3 in your price range. Trust your ears.