Help Me Interim Speakers Suggestions?

Health & location problems are forcing me to move from my big house with my 24' x 22' listening room to a much smaller house or condo. This will require me to part with my beloved B&W 802 with accompanying large outboard Northcreek crossovers, as the combo will take up too much space in a smaller room. Plus, I need to simplify & downsize my complex system. Most likely my new place will end up having a 16 x 14 room, or smaller, and will be either a living room or a bedroom.

I find speakers to be one of the hardest things to choose, and expect it will be some time until I find something full range yet not overly large that I will be happy with. So, I'm looking to pick up some bookshelf or floor standing speakers on Audiogon that will sound good and be easy to resell a little later.

Any suggestions? Thoughts of mine were PSB Stratus Gold Mini, Vandersteen 1C, Thiels. I like accuracy and clarity, but not coldness. I don't find my 802's cold, just accurate, and since I use tubes, I have an accurate, but slightly warm overall result. Appreciate your suggestions.
I would strongly suggest to check on Harbeth monitors. They are all you are looking for, you might not even go back! Good Luck!
I like Harbeths, but better yet I like the ATC line. They are quite amazing in every respect.
Harbeth recommendation #3. I listened to the Compact 7s yesterday with a Naim system. They are fantastic sounding speakers which, according to one review, work even better in a smaller room such as yours. I personally like the looks also but not everyone's cup of tea(a big box). I found what I liked about them hard to put into words. They seemed very real and neutral. Some would say polite but that stems more from listening to too many forward sounding speakers. They are incredibly resolving with no hint of confusion on complex music.
I have heard the Tetra Bullits and Reference 3a Dulcet's.
Both work well with tubes.The bullits are more of a finess speaker and the Dulcets have a bit more bottom end.
The bullits are a sealed enclosure.
I have not heard the Harbeths, so I can make no judgement on them.

However, I have heard the Tetra speakers, and they do sound incredible, especially for the size and price.

Another thought is the small Sonus Faber speakers (I can not remember the model) sound very musical, virtually disappearing from the sound stage. I bit colored, but in a good way.)

The Revel M20s might also be a good choice. Very accurate, great soundstaging, but not the deepest of bass obviously.

Good Luck in your search.