need comments on my system

-1 pair of Martin Logan CLS panels and Velodyne DD15 subwoofer - both connected directly from preamp
-Counterpoint SA5000 preamp
-Counterpoint SA220 power amp(220WPC)and NPS400 amp(which is quieter but less dynamic)
-Counterpoint DA10/DA11 DAC and transport
-Harmonic Tech, AudioQuest intercables
-AudioQuest spkr cables

What area can I improve? Any comments are welcome
I had some thoughts of trying new amps like Jeff Rowland, Pass Labs, or even McIntosh rather than NP220 upgrade(although it has its own merits). The CLS is very sensitive in all sound reproduction - even changing one component in the system.

Anyone tried the above mentioned amps?

Thanks to all responses.
I agree with the amp comments based on a couple Counterpoints I heard a number of years ago. Those MLs are tough to tame and I think VTLs would be a good way to go. However, you also may want to check into a passive "pre-amp" just for fun - to see if it will work with your stuff. Also, I'd check into one of the better newer DACs (Bel Canto, Perp Tech WrightModed) unless the Counterpoint is of recent vintage, but haven't they been gone for some years? Advances in DAC technology and music making has come a long way in the last 5 years.
How do you like the DD-15? I am amazed with the sound.
The programming is great.


I put bybee devices in the signal path to the stators in my CLS IIz's and this led to significant improvement. If you want further details, drop me an email at Recently, another audiogoner performed the same tweak with great results.
This is a difficult question to answer without knowing you, and your tastes.

What is it about your system that is not satisfying? Are you looking to improve a certain aspect of the sound or system?

Opinions are as worthless as the cyberspace on which they are printed! But here goes; I have owned Counterpoint gear and was really not very impressed or satisfied. I went to SS and liked the sound much more, but that doesn't mean you would have the same results.

I still maintain that after the room, the source is the most important link in the chain. If you are truly unhappy, start there and replace your transport and DAC. That's just one option. I don't know that any of the Counterpoint (don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to insult your gear) would be considered state-of-the-art. There are lots of things that can be done, but again, what do you want to expereince as an end result?