Amplification with Harbeth Loudspeakers

Anyone have suggestions for partnering electronics with Harbeths? I have Compact 7's and am considering Bryston or Audio Research. Any thoughts?
I've heard Bryston with Spendors and the pairing was really very good - most people say that Harbeths and Spendors have similar sound characteristics. I should admit that I have no personal experience with Harbeths, so take my comment for what it's worth.

Good luck!
Hi Dodgealum

I have had a pair of the Harbeth ES7's for several years now, and I have been very happy with the ARC D-130's. This amp has sufficient power and brings out all that wonderful inter detail that the Harbeths are so excellent at.

I have been very happy with this pairing.


I heard an older P3 with a Pass 30 watt amp years ago, and it was a truly incredible sounding system. Only other time I've heard Harbeths was C7s w/ a Belles 150, which didn't sound as good. This was surprising, esp. since I had used a Belles amp w/ Spendor LS 3/5s successfully, so I think it must have been the room, cables, source etc. I'm thinking of trying Harbeths myself, after owing a number of Spendors (among others). I just hope they work w/ my VAC. Good luck,

the bryston/ harbeth combo is one my closest friend has used for many years, and is every bit as satisfying as my mac/gradient combo which costs much more. i used to own a bryston combo with spendor 1/2's and can honestly say that i enjoyed that set up as well as any i have ever ownwd and i have owned a lot.