Dynaudio Evidence Temptation?

I am looking to build my audio system around the Dynaudio Evidence Temptation. I would like to hear from those (dealers, owner's, etc) that have heard these speakers with
a variety of gear. I am going to use the DEQX 2.6p as a preamp and looking for recommendations for CD or Universal player, power amp and cable. cost around $15,000.
Do you think that Music Reference RM200 poweramp can match the Temptations and the DEQX 2.6?
David, of all the amps I heard with the Temptations, the Boulders easily were the best in the bass; they had more uncovered low frequency ambient information than any amp I've ever heard, a very noticable trait. I think you'll like the combination a lot.
I also just bought an REL Studio 3. That should help also with bass response and ambience.

I have been using a Krell KSA 200s amp and a Krell KPS25sc front end with Dynaudio E Temptations for 6 months and could not ask for better sound. The Temptations are easier to drive than the legendary Dynaudio Confidence 5's, which are half the size in dimensions and speaker compliment. The Temptations are simply a world class speaker in every way. I recommend a class "A" solid state amp to drive them and they cannot be bi-amped. They are 4 ohm speakers so they see a 200 watt amp (at 8 ohms) as 400 watts (at 4 ohms), which is more than enough power to fill any listening room.
David, i am seriously considering 2 REL Studio III's for my room.......and would be very interested on how well the REL integrates with the Temptations. the Temptations are very good in the bass by themselves (like my Exquisites) and wonder if the coherency will be diminished.....in other words.....will it be 'all good' or a collection of 'trade-offs?

i am referring to 2-channel music.....not multi-channel or film.
I'll let you know in about a week. I've been using 2 REL stentors and they integrate well, but my Studio will be set up soon. The dealer has been waiting til my upgraded Theta casablanca is done, so they can get everything set up all at once.
