Merlin Owner's...

What's your favorite color?
I agree with 1markr, the colors are tough to photograph accurately. My Moss Green is beautiful, but it looks different than in most of the photos. In real life, it can look like a dark, British racing green in bright light, and almost black when in dimmer or indirect light. The auto-type gloss reflects in a way that seems to fool the camera lens...Cheers, Spencer
I've seen a picture of a pair of ferarri yellow tsms somewhere. Having a pair of speakers to match my corvette would be cool, wouldn't it? I'm a sucker for yellow.

That being said, I'd have to vote for the black ice blue...those are just awesome.
Tabl, I thought that's where I'd seen it! I looked, and sure enough, there it is.

Wow, I sure like that color more than I remember...One day whenever I buy me a pair of VSM-MXs, or whatever will the the creme de la creme, I think I might have to go for yellow...