Focus Audio Classic

Unfortunately I can not afford the Focus Audio Sigs which I love and have never really considered the classic line until now.

What do you think about them and what have you compared them too.

The more I can learn about these beauties the better.

Bluemike, you've got email...

Btw - I posted the list earlier in this thread (see my post on 08-30-04)...
I do believe that you are a blue circle dealer

Would you know if the blue circle cs integrated used as a preamp and the bc 24 would be able to drive the Jmr trentes easily

Would I need to hook them up any differently considering the trentes are a 4 ohm load

Your input is appreciated


Yes, I am a Blue Circle dealer.

If you want to use the Blue Circle CS integrated as a preamp, you need to make sure you order one with the pre-out option (it's a US$75 option). Depending on the size of your room and the volume you like to listen, the BC24 should be fine for driving the Trentes. If you had a large 360+sqft room and liked to really liked to crank it, you might want more power. But I'm guessing that your room is smaller (or you wouldn't have gotten monitors).

FYI, I've never tried using the CS Integrated just as a preamp; have two customers who have bought the CS with pre-outs, but I haven't heard it used this way myself. That said, the CS Preamp is an excellent entry-level high-end preamp...

(I demoed the Trentes for a month using the BC28 (120wpc) as well a ML 383 integrated (100wpc), and both were more than enough for the Trentes).
Any recommendations for stands with the trentes besides the obvious (JMR'S own Magic stands)

Thx for your input
Check out Check out the Meibao stands. I'm using the taller 4FX stands with my 688's. The shorter ones (23.5") would probably be a better match for your Trentes.

Very well built. 37lbs each. Real cool looking. Dirt cheap $229 with free shipping.