Best Speaker for Loud Rock w/ tubes

My system is:
Sonic Frontiers power 2
von gaylord Lad-L2 pre,
Exposure 2010 cd player
Finite elemente stand
Chord Co signature interconnect
Oval 9 speaker cables
Homemade speakers
I am not really satisfied with the imaging and bass of my current speakers, so i am looking to buy new ones that will work well with what i already have. Please give me suggestions. Thanks
Well,here is what I use lately for the front.Aerial 10t/Rogue M150 tube mono's/Oval 9 cables.For classic ROCK,is unbeatable.Your SF Power 2 is a nice amp.
While I don't listen to much loud rock anymore, I still own my old VMPS Supertowers (see my system pic's). Vmps...all models are one of the best rock speakers on the market IMO.

My 8 year old Supertower/r's make Klipsch sound like toys to be honest. The lower section of the Supertowers are the top of the line VMPS subs with mid-hi fq. drivers added above.

I've not had any in-home experience with the new VMPS models but would guess that the new RM-30's would float just about anyone's boat at their price range.

If you have the money...the VMPS RM-X is true SOTA speaker with nothing better on todays market value IMO.

All Vmps speakers love power but can be driven with even 50 watt tube amps in most rooms.

The best speaker would be line arrays, hand built by you. If you want to buy speakers, take a look at the Legacy Focus. The speaker is efficient, and rocks!

Sonic Frontiers power 2? There is no pace or toe tapping to that amp. It's a fine amp but there is no drive to it.

To put it in perspective have you hear a 100% Linn system? Linn would be about 180 degrees from your amp.

You will need to take home many, many speakers to get any drive out of the Sonic Frontiers power 2. It's a beautiful amp, pretty well balanced but a picky eater that does'nt want to drag a lot of dead weight around.

You might want to try a hybrid horn speaker that will give you a strong dynamic and volume too. Klipsh?