Best Speaker for Loud Rock w/ tubes

My system is:
Sonic Frontiers power 2
von gaylord Lad-L2 pre,
Exposure 2010 cd player
Finite elemente stand
Chord Co signature interconnect
Oval 9 speaker cables
Homemade speakers
I am not really satisfied with the imaging and bass of my current speakers, so i am looking to buy new ones that will work well with what i already have. Please give me suggestions. Thanks
i think the SF has plenty of sould that is why i still have it. i have changed all the input drivers to seimens cca and the sound is amazing, especially with the von gaylord pre. i think that the selahs might work out i just wish there was somewhere that i could listen to them before tking the plunge. also id like to know the difference between the regular crossover and the deluxe model. Also yes, VTLs are an option but for the time being im sticking with the SF.
I have a SF Power 2 that I use as the top end in a bi-amp situation. My speakers are Innersound ISIS, they're hybrid and I use an ADCOM 5800 for the bass. I love the sound and I listen to everything except hard core rap.

Occasionally there is a pair of the Innersound ISIS for sale used. If you can afford the EROS (the bigger brother to ISIS) go with them. They are bigger and come with a bottom end amplifier.