Placement for Soliloquy speakers


Curious if anyone has tips for set-up of a pair of Soliloquy 5.3 speakers. I like the sound generally, but they sound a little boomy in my 15X13 room. Have to place them against the long wall for various reasons. Right now I have them out about 2.5 ft. from the wall, 2-3 feet from side walls. Room has hardwood floors if that matters. Thanks,
In setting up speakers measure from the center of the drivers.

A rule of thumb is: many setups tend to end up with drivers located on a diagonal of the room. So it may be a good place to start. Draw an imaginary line from corner to corner of room, and notice, as you pull the speakers into the room they get closer together. Or conversly, as they move closer to the wall behind, they get further apart.

But unless the room is square, the side distance is never equal to the distance of the wall behind. This aids in spreading room modes so that fewer stack upon each other creating high pressure zone anomolies for specific frequencies.

Include the ideal critera of a unilateral triangle of 8'. That is, listener to speaker = 8', and speaker to speaker also = 8'. At least for critial listening.

However the width of my room is only 12', so to get some distance from side walls I have to use 7'. That puts the center of the drivers 30" from side walls: considered a minimum.

When the speakers are only a couple feet from side walls, try a device at the reflection location from speaker to lstener. I tape a mirror on a side wall, move it around until the image of the speaker appears in the mirror from the listening position. That is the spot. You can then use smallest possible devices since it is so accuratly located. A 2' square should suffice, and no danger of deadening the room.

Experiment with degrees of absorbtion of the device relative to the sense of space in the soundstage (use what is handy while experimenting: a pillow against the wall on a table, folded blanket, towels, a piece of clothing on a hanger, etc.). Or when there is a an abundance of absorbive pieces in the room, like much overstuffed furniture, etc., you may want to use diffusive devices instead: like a shelving unit. Anything to diffract the direct reflection from driver to listener, while not deadening the room further.

Coordinate this with toe-in of the speakers. I have found with box speakers (the worst design for room acoustics) a toe in of about 7 degrees is a good balance: avoiding exessive direct side reflections with width of soundstage (space). Pointing them directly at listener will offer the greater focus, but at the expense of space.

The issue with direct reflections of sound from side walls, floor, and ceiling, is the sound energy arrives slightly delayed than the direct sound from the drivers.

It can be more practical to treat the side walls than the floor or ceiling. However it is usually convenient to place a throw rug on floors without carpeting to aid the process.

With full range speaker, the best results in setup can be obtained by locating the woofers according to: the LINKS link at scroll down to 'Subwoofers: Optimum number and location', then to 'Getting the bass right' sublink.

Real results can be obtained from these efforts that will far outweigh any from top end gear, or cables and tweaks (which can be marginal at best, to non existant at worst).
565 is half the speed of sound.

The formula is simplified to obtain the lowest frequency a given acoustic chamber (room) can accomodate. Therefore, dividing the longest dimension of a chamber into 1/2 the speed of sound gives that frequency.

BTW, it reflecting back completes its full wave length. You can see that a lower frequency reflecting back will not complete the length of its cycle, thereby causing acoustic anomolies in the space that distorts all other frequencies in the chamber.

So the worst thing you can for accuracy in playback is use speakers that extend bass frequencies beyond the room's capability to accomodate them. The resulting low frequency pressue zones are almost impossible to deal with without excessive room treatment devices that are very costly, and tend to deaden the room, as well as create distasteful aesthics.

See: 'Master Handbook of Acoustics' (Everet) available in paperback.

How is this formula affected by lets open french doors in a study to a larger space or a door opening into a hallway. I am interested in your comments regarding lowest frequency that a room can accomodate. I hadn't consisdered that before but at the extremes at small and big it seems a quite apparent truism-- just not sure how an 11x 10 room with doors open versus an 11x 10 room with a door closed would vary with regards to calculation of lowest frequency would accomodate considerations...

Please teach me on this... I am all ears....
I suggest you extrapolate the specifics for your application. I can say, that it is typical in the recording industry to create bass traps in attic spaces and adjoining rooms of the studio for the very low frequencies.

An adjoining space is lined with fiberglas batt insulation for absorbtion, and an opening to it is covered with say 1/8" plywood depending on the frequencies you want to pass through to be absorbed, and those you want reflected back into the space.

The space itself is sized for specific frequencies based on the length of its cycle. The lower the frequeny, the larger the space.

Perhaps you can see the futility in attempting to deal with frequencies pretty much below even 200hz, as it becomes a major task. And at say 50hz and below, near impossible.

Better to omit them from the environment, or advance to dipole speaker designs which tend to excite the lower frequency pressure zones and modes in the first place.

If you want to study acoustic issues at greater depth see 'Master Handbook of Acoustics (Everet) available in paperback.

Gyp. board covered studwalls are the best for low frequencies because they can pass through. The worst would be a concrete basement where they would instead be reflected back into the space.

If we were engineers and commissioned to design your space acoustically, we would calculate doors, windows, and the different wall constructions extant. For instance, an outside wall of a stucco house is a different condtion than an interior wall with gyp board on both sides, because of the 1" cement plaster (stucco) finish.

And like that. The difficulty in calculating specific conditions is way beyond even the computer programs. They do not take into account doors and windows, and different wall conditions. For instance, a wall with a door in it is a different acoustic condition than one without.

It is useful to consider the listening room as an acoustic chamber due its significant affect on the sound energy introduced into by the playback system. But the first thing learned is the limitatons of ones ability to control those conditions with treatments and devices.
Fascinating. In a house, would a room's ability to handle bass as alluded to above be changed by whether a door was open or closed? Standard door.

If so better or less able?

I've got the point there are a zillion variables. This is just in a house with a room that can be enclosed but can also be quite open versus just moving speakers to a larger room. No problem experimenting a bit just wondering what you think.

How bout startin with a Yes or No to the first question for all of us simpletons out there.