Speakers for a small room, looking for feedback

I would like to get opinions on the following speakers. I have only been able to hear the ATC's at this point & would welcome comparisons.

The speakers will be located in a 12X13 room, angled from the corner (6-9" away from walls). While the focus is on 2-channel, they will also be used for HT. I would like to have detailed & clear highs & a warmer mid-range. Bass just needs to be adequate, but defined (sub only for HT). The presentation should not be forward, but not too recessed. The intent is for a very musical, non-fatiguing speaker that isn't boring.

Top choices at this point:
* ATC 20's - great sound stage; very nice tweeter, but vocals a bit forward; adequate bass, very nice
* ATC 35's - they don't soundstage as nice as the 20's, but the mid-range is excellent; tweeter not as crisp as the 20's; very musical (& homely)

Comparisons: (very few reviews out there)
*JM labs 907 Be or Electra 926
*Paradigm Signature S4
*Tyler Reference
*Spendor s5e (local dealer only does custom or referalls, need to find cooperative dealer)

Do any of the above speakers provide what I am looking for? I would appreciate any comments or comparisons of the above speakers. thank you.
I have not heard the speakers on your list, but I have a room that size with similar placement constraints. My experience with a number of speakers is that you need to steer clear of rear ported speakers.

I hope this helps.
Might want to consider some others like Vandersteen 1's or 2's and Tetra 305's

Don't go with a rear ported speaker.
Something like soliloquy sat-5's or vienna acoustics would work great even against the wall.
The North Acoustic Spirit bookshelves really are made for that kind of placement. You shouldn't be put off by the fact that they got a good review in the current TAS. It's deserved.

The Totem Arros will also do well in that situation. Or, if you're adventurous, the Ohm MicroWalshs. Of these three, I think the Arros probably have the least low end extension in most rooms.
Hey Macct,

Which trick depends on your system, what is going to be your preamplifier?

My friend Chris is a cable expirement-er type and would be a good resource for an opinion too. Without knowing what your system is, its hard to move forward with the recs. What might even be more helpful is what system were you experiencing the forward midrange issue?
