Speakers for a small room, looking for feedback

I would like to get opinions on the following speakers. I have only been able to hear the ATC's at this point & would welcome comparisons.

The speakers will be located in a 12X13 room, angled from the corner (6-9" away from walls). While the focus is on 2-channel, they will also be used for HT. I would like to have detailed & clear highs & a warmer mid-range. Bass just needs to be adequate, but defined (sub only for HT). The presentation should not be forward, but not too recessed. The intent is for a very musical, non-fatiguing speaker that isn't boring.

Top choices at this point:
* ATC 20's - great sound stage; very nice tweeter, but vocals a bit forward; adequate bass, very nice
* ATC 35's - they don't soundstage as nice as the 20's, but the mid-range is excellent; tweeter not as crisp as the 20's; very musical (& homely)

Comparisons: (very few reviews out there)
*JM labs 907 Be or Electra 926
*Paradigm Signature S4
*Tyler Reference
*Spendor s5e (local dealer only does custom or referalls, need to find cooperative dealer)

Do any of the above speakers provide what I am looking for? I would appreciate any comments or comparisons of the above speakers. thank you.
Hey Macct.

You're pretty much ruined if you have heard the SCm20's as you have heard there are not too many speaker in its class.

I Know the Krell HTS will be fine with the 20's you might want to play with some cables to get it perfect but otherwise I wouldn't worry about the sound being too aggressive. The 20's don't image artificially so don't expect them to give you a break with a diffuse distant deep soundstage created by response shaping, I always tell people you better like your music if you buy an ATC speaker because its not a presentation you can easily ignore. Very involving and demanding.
The ATCs have really captivated me. I still want to try the 35's in my room, albeit I think the 20's are a better fit. I heard them early in the speaker search & I really want to know this is going to be a speaker that I will want to keep for 10 years. It also makes you questions how resolving you want your system.

I think I want that level of detail & transparency, but I am hoping it doesn't lead to detail overload, detracting from the musical presentaion. The speakers don't seem fatiguing, however. I knew they were a good fit when I was disapponited after I re-connected my B&Ws. The ATCs main negatives are price & their homliness (speakers from the 70's).

I must say I was impressed with the Linn Ninkas though. More engaging than the Spendor. Very musical with a nice tweeter. It doesn't have the detail & air of the ATC, but came away as very musical & enjoyable. The Linns are also quite a bargain and good-looking. They might be too polite for the long-term though.

If it comes down to the ATCs or Linns, its actually going to a difficult choice b/c I'm not exactly sure what type of presentation I want for the long-term.

I appreciate all of the responses. They have definetly led me to try various speakers as well as focus on what type of sound I am looking for.
You may have seen by now the HiFi+ review of the 907Be. Not sure if you have auditioned the 907 Be, or are pretty settled on the ATC's by now.

I had the 907Be home for a weekend and liked it very much. I think it fair to describe it as a natural extension of the good things in the Electra 906, or as a fair piece of the Micro Utopia; in other words, within the same family voice. Certainly the highs have tremendous detail and air, and overall the speaker has a very clear, natural sound.

Personally, I found the 927Be richer in the mids and bass, without getting out of hand in my smallish room. On the other hand, another correspondent whose done his homework (Bashline)preferred the 907 Be to the 927 Be, but clearly he had different room acoustics, i.e. concrete floor & walls. The Electra 926 would be worth checking out, IMHO, as more of a full range option at reasonable cost,if you don't think it looks too big for your room.
I'm using the ATC SCM10s for the past 5 years and love them. I have yet to find a bookshelf this size that can match ATC's performance.
I have compared Spendor S3/5s to Green Mountain audio europas and found the spendors sounded veiled, lacked transparency, and did not convey a sense of space like the europas. The S3/5 sounded nice, but the europas sounded real.

The europas are very uncoloured sounding, and they do the soundstage thing like no other speaker I've heard (including much better than Spica Angelus and Martin Logans).

They're factory direct only now, but Green Mountain has a new Callisto speaker out soon, that should be available through dealers.

I have never heard any of the other speakers on your list, but the europas strike me as a bit of a bargain.