LISTENER Magazine...What Do You Think?

Would like to find out what other Audiogon members think
about this magazine. Do you find it a bit quirky?
I started a one year subscription about a year ago. And
while I do enjoy some of the articles and reviews; there
are some items that leave me wondering why I bother to read
it at all. There are reviews of equipment I've never heard
of; and that no local dealer carries. Also, in the latest
"Letters" section there is a letter from a reader that
questions a past review; and the "Reply" is one of the
nastiest and most hostile I've ever seen in any publication.
I really like it, but I'm just nearing the end of my first year of subscribing, so it may start striking me in a similar manner over the coming issues. I like the writing style a lot - it's written from the point of view that, while being a professional reviewer, their perspective is very similar to any of ours as avid users. They clearly love audio for the music's sake, while still having an appreciation of what makes fine gear fine. While I agree that sometimes their humor slips over the line into being a bit holier than thou, I like the fact that they bring a big (and generally good) sense of humor to what is, after all, a pretty non-serious subject. -Kirk
I subscribed for 1 year and thought much the same as Jond. In particular I also thought they were biased toward the low power tube stuff and analog sourcing. I saw the issue where everyone wrote about record cleaning and threw the rag in disgust! I respect the vinyl-phile, but I ain't going there in the near future. Yeah, I read some stuff that kept me interested here and there, but I no longer subscribe. Everything about this magazine felt foriegn to me and always left me empty, uncomfortable, and (for lack of a better word) frustrated!
I subscribed for a year a few years ago and found all the
"humor" pretty boring--not funny and not really a style for a complete issue of a mag on stereo. I remember one great review of the Harry Smith Folk Anthology cd set. I bought the set based on the review and was glad I did. But the rest left me cold. Although I haven't subscribed to either for a while, I think Positive Feedback and Bound For Sound offer the best hope for audiophiles.
Its a great magazine . But not for those that are wound too tight! It pokes fun at things even itself. Its fun reading and can be informative . Art Dudley the Editor is a hoot ! They are much more down to earth than the big two mags. Audio is a fun hobby !
I only read one issue, the one I got as a freebie so I would subscribe. Though I found it an interesting and worthy magazine I felt the crass humor and liberal profanity seemed like the grain, etch, and glare that a cheap solid state amp imparts to what is otherwise enjoyable music.