LISTENER Magazine...What Do You Think?

Would like to find out what other Audiogon members think
about this magazine. Do you find it a bit quirky?
I started a one year subscription about a year ago. And
while I do enjoy some of the articles and reviews; there
are some items that leave me wondering why I bother to read
it at all. There are reviews of equipment I've never heard
of; and that no local dealer carries. Also, in the latest
"Letters" section there is a letter from a reader that
questions a past review; and the "Reply" is one of the
nastiest and most hostile I've ever seen in any publication.
I subscribed for 1 year and thought much the same as Jond. In particular I also thought they were biased toward the low power tube stuff and analog sourcing. I saw the issue where everyone wrote about record cleaning and threw the rag in disgust! I respect the vinyl-phile, but I ain't going there in the near future. Yeah, I read some stuff that kept me interested here and there, but I no longer subscribe. Everything about this magazine felt foriegn to me and always left me empty, uncomfortable, and (for lack of a better word) frustrated!
I subscribed for a year a few years ago and found all the
"humor" pretty boring--not funny and not really a style for a complete issue of a mag on stereo. I remember one great review of the Harry Smith Folk Anthology cd set. I bought the set based on the review and was glad I did. But the rest left me cold. Although I haven't subscribed to either for a while, I think Positive Feedback and Bound For Sound offer the best hope for audiophiles.
Its a great magazine . But not for those that are wound too tight! It pokes fun at things even itself. Its fun reading and can be informative . Art Dudley the Editor is a hoot ! They are much more down to earth than the big two mags. Audio is a fun hobby !
I only read one issue, the one I got as a freebie so I would subscribe. Though I found it an interesting and worthy magazine I felt the crass humor and liberal profanity seemed like the grain, etch, and glare that a cheap solid state amp imparts to what is otherwise enjoyable music.
Well.........6 issues a year? I even forget I have a subscription. And they don't seem to review anything I'm interested in, which is pretty much "mainstream high-end gear"-- is that an oxymoron? So, just for lack of interest in the esoteric stuff they do review, I'm letting my subscription lapse. I like TAS the best, Stereophile is slipping fast, but I still get it, and I like "Bound for Sound". Cheers? Craig