Dunlavy SC-V and Accuphase

Hello folks, can anyone tell me if the Accuphase A-50V power amplifier (2x50 W class A) would be a good match for Dunlavy SC-V's? Thx in advance.
I have heard the SC-V's with a 300W/ch stereo amp, 350 watt monoblocks, 600W/ch stereo, and 1000W mono's. The SC-V's sounded great with all of them. Since each amp was progressively higher quality in itself, it would be difficult to attribute the better sound with each increment to the additional power. The additional power did make for wider dynamic range, better dynamic contrast.

I'd be pretty hestitent to drive these speakers with less than 200W/ch if you expect to have any dynamic contrast at realistic listening levels. I also think that the SC-V's can only be used in medium to large rooms, which means you need to consume a certain amount of power just to achieve that base listening level. Then you'd need three times that in reserve for peaks.

These speakers are very efficient, but large. I doubt they would work well in a small room with a small amp. The SC-IVa's, or III's would be better suited to smaller rooms.
I had the 5's for a couple of years and had a hard time getting the sound right. A large well damped room is a must for these monsters or they will sound bright and boomy. Merge03 is correct about getting the most power to drive them. At the very least 250 watts of refined power is a must.
Dazzdax, I am using the A-50V to drive a pair of B&W Nautilus 800's - by no means a small speaker. The amp runs in pure Class A up to 50W/channel on 8 Ohms and will deliver another 250W++ in A/B mode. Despite its 50W plate, this amp is a powerhouse. It features digital output indicators and at normal listening levels, they stay well below 1W in my 24'x 12' room. We had a party the other day and people were dancing on the terrace with the sound coming from the living room! Indicators were in the 400w range and the amp did not even flinch.

More relevant than the absolute wattage is how the amp responds to the speakers' varying impedance load across the frequency spectrum. The A-50V will put out close to 1000W/channel under 2 Ohms. Its transformer is designed to carry such loads comfortably. Most of all, this piece will retain its liquid musicality and absolute control throughout such ordeals. Believe me, you will not be able to endure the volume levels that this piece can produce in a normal-size room. Best you take it for a spin if you have the chance.

Good luck in your decision, Andreas