speakers in a bad room

i have a room 18 x 24, with concreate walls and tiles on the floor. which speaker will work in this room ? i listen to rock, jazz, reggae, r&b and so on. suggestions please
Herman...I guess that 18 X 24 is a good sized room, for anything except audio. A very popular feature of newly built houses is the "great room" often 30 X 40 or more, and with a high ceiling and irregular shape. This really makes for good audio. Old Colonial houses like mine often had small rooms, but walls get knocked down and several rooms made into one. That's how mine got to be about 26 X 34 which I still consider to be too small.

People who live in apartments or condos or developments where houses are close together are at a serious disadvantage. My closest neighbor is about 600 feet away with woods in between us. No problem when I crank it up!

The cellar that I mentioned as a good venue for jazz was about 25 X 50.
thanks for all the answers. about if it is a small or big room, it is more than double the size of what i have now.
the ceiling heights is exactly 10'.me and my wife live in denmark right now, but are moving to her country next year.the new house are ready, so i am making plans for bying new setup, because the one i have now is for 240v. so i am gonna start all over. i have aprox. 30000 us for the new setup.
Well Pedersen, $30k can buy a lot of stereo. Especially in Denmark. It can buy an AMAZING amount of equipment if you choose ultra hi-end kit speakers over the commercial offerings (where $30k will buy you the equivalent spkrs ONLY). Dipoles are a good suggestion; Linkwitz lab offers these (exquisite), there are other plans too. Indeed, most/all of the parts are easily available in Denmark that has a strong diy community so, maybe you should buy before you move?
18x24 is a small room? I agree with the others. A 30x40 room would equal my entire house. Yikes.
17x23 would still be a nice room size, I would stud some walls and pack in as much insulation as I could at the very least. Large speakers with truly deep bass response will not sound good as is unless you like...BOOOOOM.
