Apogee Grand: best speaker ever ?

What are your opinions on this discontinued Apogee's flaghship ? Who really heard them and what's your memory about ?
Check this picture out!!!! They look rather large for a dealer show room Richard...I'll guess that setup was a problem.


It is a shame that the results of the Magnepan lawsuit put this fine audio company out of business. Imagine what they would have done by now? Why doesn't Magnepan incorporate the Apogee Technology into their speaker systems as they reportedly won the rights to it?

What an excellent photo!
I own Mini Grands & hope to buy a pair of Studio Grands, some day. I missed out on the last pair that sold locally here in Phoenix. The Studio Grand is attainable & affordable!
As long as Magnepan sits on their hands & refuses to put that true midrange ribbon from the 20.1 in the 3.6, the "Ribbon Pilgrims" will continue to chant "Apogee"....
Thanks for your opinions Drrdiamond, Sogood, Sgr and Daniel.
Sogood, I read this article on Apogee speaker users... any other experience from someone who heard the Grands ? Thank you, Luca.
I owned the Studio Grands powered by a pair of Krell 300S, I sold them in fear of never being able to get support in the event something broke.

I now use a pair of Magnapan 3.6 powered by Audio research Ref 300 MkII.

The Apogees were POWERFUL, delicate and involving. They were a complete nightmare to setup - just when you thought you had them placed in their optimum place, you would move them a 1/4 of an inch and they would sound completely different. I got tired of wondering if I had the best placement.

The Magnapans sound better in some ways - maybe more relaxed and musical - but they lack the authority of the Apogee's.

I'd have to say the Studio Grands were the best sounding speakers I have ever heard (also the most work to listen to).