i have been searching through ebay and audiogon postings and have come up with a couple of interesting deals on speakers i have heard of but never listened to. they are the nht sb-3 and the b&w 601. i wondered if anyone had any experience with either of these spaeakers. the stores nearest me do not carry either line and i have some issues with travel. (replacement kneee surgery did not go well).i have a smaller listening room, 12x14, and have become dissatisfied with my klipsch fortes. i'll be playing the new speakers through a nad 2400 power amp, nad 1600 preamp, nad 521i cd and my trusty ar es turntable with sumiko arm (looking to replace cartridge so i won't go into that). i've read many reviews and both seem to be highly thought of a that price level. is there a clear choice here? please give me your thoughts and let me benefit from your experience. thanks, tim
i listen to mostly rock, blues and jazz at moderate levels.
I meant to add ... I purchased both my NAD C320BEE and NHT SB2 when I was recovering from spine fusion surgery (28 screws and one rib now connect from T8 to L4). You owe yourself a gift and few gifts are more rewarding than audio gifts. Knee joint replacement is a real pain ... get well soon.
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