There's a sucker born every minute

Latest marketing hype for a new (name witheld to protect the guilty) HTIB product.

The XXXX Home Theater System boasts the tinniest high-end speakers in the world! The M6 speaker is housed in 100% zinc-alloy (not plastic); giving it the needed weight to handle high volumes with clarity and depth eliminating any noticeable distortion. The egg-shape of the speaker provides the perfect environment for sound to resonate and bounce out to the room rather than having sound waves get lost in the corners as they do in box shaped speakers.

Wouldn't want those sound waves to get lost, now would you. 'course you could get them their own GPS to find their way out. And is that tiniest or tinniest? LOL.
Swampwalker, that's the same thing they say about us! Who's really wrong in this equation?
I GOTS'TA GIT ME ONE OF THOSE!!!! I always wondered where all that sound was going! It's been stuck in those damn corners, all along, with no place to resonate or bounce out. Probably causing unsightly stains that'll never come out. Those nasty sound waves are just hanging out in those corners, like some malodorous spectre, stinking up the corners of the speakers and my room with that rancid stench! Why it's so simple! Why didn't anyone else think of that! 100% zinc alloy no less! Alloy? That means the zinc is mixed with base metals, right? But it's 100% zinc alloy...100%!!! Damn things must be spendy! But money should not stand in the way of setting free those imprisoned sound waves that are wreaking havoc in corners all over America. Liberate the waves! Spring for the zinc alloy and let the waves resonate freely that they may go forth and multiply! Nowhere else but America could have come up with such a brilliant solution to the involuntary servitude of the resonating waves. OK, so the things are probably made in China from drivers assembled in Mexico. But only an American could have come up with an idea like that, to offer up so adroitly to our intelligent compatriots under the Stars'N' know, the ones who keep Wonder Bread in business and put to use that healthy crop of polyester from Thailand and Indonesia...and who else could you find to eat all that iceberg lettuce anyway? Yep, it all happens right here in the good ol' U.S. of A. I feel some tears welling up and my lips a tremblin'. Y'all will have to excuse me now while I go air out the oats.

I'm starting a European 'free-the-cornered-soundwaves' platform righ now. Can someone please give me the adress of the 100% zinc-alloy freedom fighters? I want to import them, that is, if US govenment allows such high-tech to be imported to less developed countries as mine.
Seriously: I wish I could write bulls##t like that and get paid for it. Than I could buy some real equipment and laugh at all the suckers who'd buy this crap. Oh well, should've gotten a real job.....