subs for music

I currently have ML Aeons set up in a 10x12 room. The rest of the chain includes a Rogue Stereo 90, Rogue 66 Magnum, CJ EV1 phono, VPI Scoutmaster w/ ring clamp and Benz Micro Glider HO, McIntosh MCD205, and Denon DVD2900. I work in an AV store, and have access to a lot of subs, but they are all set up with HT processors, and none of the speakers we carry are as fast as stats. I have noticed that my system doesn't give me super deep bass (I of course knew that when I built it up, but now think a little more bass might help the sound). Does anyone use a sub for 2 channel music? What would be a good match with the Logans if I were to decide to pick up a sub? How well do subs integrate in 2 channel setups for music?

These may seem like dumb questions, but I had once heard that a sub isn't really a good idea for 2 channel, but now I am wondering if I'm not missing out. I can get a good deal on the Infinity CSW10 right now, and it is one sub I am considering. (Also looking at DefTech SuperCube, and all the Logan subs) But should I only look at Logan subs because of the speed of the stats? I don't want any coherence issues to crop up if I add a sub.
Like Audiobugged, I agree that any REL sub would work. I will also add that most any sub that hooks up like a REL (LFE and Speakon from amp/receiver terminals) should be auditioned. There are a few companies that make them. Look around.
How would that work exactly? Preamp RCA to power amp, power amp to sub, sub to speakers via high pass output? Why not just take a second out from the pre directly into the sub stereo inputs and use the crossover on the sub to integrate it with your speakers?
I have ML SL3's, Cinema and Aerius i's, with a Revel B15 - outstanding for both music and movies - fast as the stats. Found the REL wimpy in comparison, and the ML subs are a serious notch down. The Revel can be set up like the REL using it's internal crossover, and the 3 band parametric EQ works wonders.
If you want to go all-the-way, then it's the Aerial SW12.
Have fun.
Get rid of the fat pre-amp first. Your room needs much treatment next.

Fast bass? What is that? 30hz is 30hz. You have been reading to many Audiogon posts.


Room has treatment already. 30hz may be 30hz, but would the woofer move air fast enough to integrate with stat panels, which are quick and nimble?

Fat pre? What do you mean by that? I do want to upgrade the pre, probably to a CJ Premier 17 LS2, unless I get a big fat bonus and can afford the ACT2.


Would you just run 2 outs from your pre, one to the amp and one to the sub?