Speaker advice please for Bryston B60...

I have a Bryston B60, and am looking to match up a set of speakers. I will be listening from about 8-9 feet, the speakers will have to be close to the wall. The room has high ceilings, and a hardwood floor (with a rug covering just part). I would definitely prefer a small footprint, if not small period.

Some earty thoughts, though I haven't auditioned any yet, are the ProAc Tablette 50 (would the B60 be too bright?) and Audio Physic Spark.

Thanks very much for all input!

I like Audio Physik much more than ProAc, in fact I would say that if you choose the Sparks, your speakers will outlast your amp--because you'll upgrade the amp first. But that's my taste.

Your room will likely sound bright-ish (which is better than dull and overdamped, in my book). You might prefer a slightly warm-sounding speaker for that reason. The BP-60, if I remember correctly, is quite sweet and liquid already. If it were not for the close-to-wall situation, I would suggest Meadowlarks.

But there are _so_ many speakers, and although you say what amp you've settled on, you don't mention your source or the kind of music you like.

One speaker I've heard recently and liked a lot is the Aurum Cantus Leisure 3 SE. It has a very smooth (and extended) high end, but it is rear-ported. It can't go against a wall, but it might go close enough for you.

Canadian distributor's Aurum Cantus page
I used to run a Bryston B-60 with a pair of Soliloquy 6.2's to good effect in a small room. I would think for a smaller room the 5.3's would work very well also. Have fun, that's a great little amp.
I am running ACI speakers with my Bryston gear. Try the sapphires with an ACI sub
Try PMC's.
All PMC speakers have been designed using Bryston amplification and their 'activated' studio monitors come with Bryston amps.