Best subwoofer for Quad 988?

The rest of my friends gear is:

Pre amp - Goldmund Memesis 7
Power - Lumly M100 monoblocks
Phono - Nothingham Anlouge Spacedeck+ Annarm+ Shelter 901

Thank's for every input.
I used to sell the Velodyne HGS subs.While they were great for HT they just weren't fast enough and pitch accurate for Maggie and ESL 63's IMHO.I would try REL imported by Sumiko.Like some other designs (like the $1250 budget champ Vanderteen they use multiple small drivers and therfore are quick.I think they will give you the pitch accuaracy that you want.A big but fast sub that isn't startopherically priced is the Revel at $3K but still say at this or a lesser (or greater) price point think the REL will doa btter job.Left the shop 3 years ago and am not sure about the DD series of Velodyne but from what I read set up is a snap and might be worth a look.BTW I was thinking of giving the 988's a spin myself/Always thought that nothing in mids could beat the 63's but soudstage was too short.placement a bitch,and and you just couldn't egt sub to work well.I know of folks who overt say a 20 years audiophile carrer have gone back to them two or three times but because of the sub intergration problem have given them up.But newer ones are better in all respects.I read in 'Phile that the 989's have less of a need for a ub but the 988's are more of "a piece" so that's what I thought of to replcae my Odeon Tosca semi horns.But think first i am going to give the Infinity MTS POreludes a go round but I will goin you in the sub hunt myself if I go with the 988's or my third choice B&W 803N's.Even some speakers like the 803's where many could live without a sub freak when they hear a good one used as it should be as a SUB-woofer".
Best of luck
You want killer bass with the speed to match the Quads? Here's my suggestion, another diy project. Order a pair of Walsh 200 MK-2 speaker drivers from the folks at OHM Walsh. This will run you about $1100.00. Next, build a cabinet of 2.5 - 3 cu.ft. interior volume, ported, tuned to 18hz and there ya go. Order a Marchand 2-way stereo crossover, an amp known for great bass control and you're on your way.

The Gradient worked very well with '63s; see and search Google for Gradient for lots of comments about them.
If your going to go a DIY or get a passive job get a used NAD 218THX amp.225 wpc stereo and if you read the stereophile review the reviewer saidf it might be a bit thick in the mids but had more bass slam than any amp hje had revieed.You can pick it up used for less than $500 and if I remember corerctly it had like 700 wpc mono.Another budget candidate would be the 300 wpc stereo Adcom 5802.Gobs of power for less than $800 used.But in all myu experience nothing had the bass "traction" and controll of Krell.One of their class A/B amps from 150 or 225 on up converted to mono would givbe you a "grip,slam,and control" that others just can't deliver.For full range even their class A amps have a brittle/metallic mid range that some either like or overlook because of their virtues fo clear treble and bass control but for a passive amp or DDIY it would be the best.Freinds I have in pro audio might say Crown (bullet proof) like a DC300 but you can go with a lot of options with a bass amp you might not consioder for your mains.
Don't overlook Hsu Research. Dr. Hsu designed the originals to go with his Quads.