"Wife Friendly" full range speakers

Hoping I could get some recommendations on a "Wife Friendly" on a full range floor standing speaker that doesn't need to be placed an excessive distance from the wall. My system includes:

McIntosh 2102 tube amp (100w/ch)
McIntosh 2200 tube pre
Naim CD5
Alon II (now Nola)
Black Orpheus Bi-wire
Nordost Red Dawn (CD to pre)
Audience AU24 (pre to amp)
Foundation Research LC-1 with Naim
TG Audio HSR II with McIntosh

My room is 12 x 12 and has a large opening at the back and one side. Alon II's are located about 20" from the back wall and 36" from the sides. I enjoy a variety of music types - especially quality female vocals (Alison Krauss, Ella Fitzgerald) and instrumental piano and guitar. I'm not a bass freak, but would like a decent bass response - no less bass response than with the Alons IIs.

A key element here is the speakers cannot be placed more than 2 feet from the back wall. My listening room is also my family's music room and is incorporated into our home's main level. My lovely wife will not allow the speakers to come out any further into the room!

After having a solid state system (Threshold) for the past 12 years, I've really enjoyed the change to tubes with instruments and vocals. Please give your thoughts/opinions on a speaker upgrade that mates will with tubes and doesn't need to be placed too far from the back wall without a tremendous amount of sound degredation.

The Nola's need a lot of space. Consider the Audio Note E's. They go well with
your music preferences and are intended to go close to the wall/corners. I will
be able to tell you after next week how they sound with the Mcintosh 2102/
2200 : )

While you're at it check out an Audio Note DAC!
Hi, I have a set an Audio Physic Virgo's that the wife enjoys both musically and aesthetically. Most Audio Physic speakers are a beautiful 2-tone woodwork. Many times being a lighter and then darker color wood. I got the all black version, which blended in well with our decor. For our home black was a color that blended in and did not become the focus of the living room. Let your wife’s decorating tastes drive the look of the speakers. Then play all her songs.

Of course, when she wants to her more "Gnarly" Carly Simon, I just use earplugs.

Good Luck
Hi, I have a set an Audio Physic Virgo's that the wife enjoys both musically and aesthetically. Most Audio Physic speakers are a beautiful 2-tone woodwork. Many times being a lighter and then darker color wood. I got the all black version, which blended in well with our decor. For our home black was a color that blended in and did not become the focus of the living room. Let your wife’s decorating tastes drive the look of the speakers. Then play all her songs.

Of course, when she wants to her more "Gnarly" Carly Simon, I just use earplugs.

Good Luck
Go to the local video rental store and get a full-size cardboard cutout of Johnny Depp and one of Brad Pitt. Cut out holes to accomodate the drivers of the speaker of your choice. Paste the cutouts to the face of the speakers. Viola! Instant "wife-friendly" speakers! No worries bringing them further out into the room either. Oh, and as a bonus you can impress the pants off your friends and neighbors who'll think you have visiting celebrities. I don't think it'll cut the muster with any fellow audiophiles, but who the hell cares what they think anyway?!

I've owned several different floorstanding speakers over the years but only one has met my wife's approval; and the winner is (was) Thiel 1.5s. I'm sure the replacement version would suffice. Easy to live with visually but need a sub for full range sound. My two cents. Good luck.