Speaker Suitable for Baby/Children - Wall Mount

I have a baby that is just crawling and about to walk and another one on the way (an unexpected blessing!!!). I am in the process of selling all my equipment and build a simple system. My preference is to get the speakers out of arms reach, i.e. wall mount.

I like the Magnepan MMGW but these speakers do not cover the full Frequency Range (only goes from 100-16kHz) and therefore requiring a flooring standing subwoofer - this will not work. The MC1 seems like a better option. The addition of the CC3 and another pair MC1 would be a good HT option. The initial 2-channel setup would be driven by a NAD C320BEE integrated amp (would convert to NAD T743 or higher if we decide to go with HT later).

Simply put:
1 - What "kid friendly" speakers have worked out well for you and what have you used to drive it?
2 - If you have any experience or thoughts on the Magnepan MMGW, MMGC, MC1, or CC3 then I would love to hear it. How would you drive these speakers? Would the NAD C320BEE work out?

I am trying to build a system with consideration for safety (to both baby and equipment), economics, and sound quality. I have always had the bad "upgrade itch" but this system will have to say for a long time. We do not listen to music very load so do not need a lot of power or bass. We mainly listen to classical, classic rock, and some jazz.

This system would be for our family room which has vaulted ceilings and approx. 30ft x 45ft (not sure - will have to measure).

Thanks for your time and thoughts.
I think wall mounting the kids is a great idea!

Kidding of course. I have a great three year old running around on whom I absolutely dote. Luckily, he's good about not fussing with any of my gear, though I am afraid he will sense my nervousness and do it just to get a reaction!
I think you're over-reacting by selling the system and getting everything off of the floor. But that's not my place to change your mind. 30x45 is a lot of volume indeed. I agree that the NAD probably won't have the power to push MMG-Ws to fill that large of a space. How far back will you be sitting from the speakers? More than 10-12 feet?

Another option - You *can* wall mount some of the larger speakers, like the Magnepan MMG, which reach down to 50Hz, give or take. That would be "more full range" than the MMG-Ws. But depending on your SPL requirements wall mounting the next speaker up in the line might be a better bet. the MG-12/QR. or faiing that, it's forerunners the MG-0.5/qr or MG-0.6/QR. The frames of those speakers are a little less flimsy than the MMG or MMG-W, and as such are better suited to higher SPL duty.

You might also consider something with higher sensitivity, like a wall mounted horn or maybe a wall mounted Gallo Acoustics speaker (but the Gallos will need a sub).

One other thing you might consider if taking your existing digital and analong front ends, build from DIY bookshelf speakers with one of the Fostex drivers (inexpensive), and switching to some inexpensive tube-based SET components. You may find your bedroom may be the only place you'll get peace and quiet to relax to the rig, plus it will be out the children's way completely. I have a friend doing just that with his first baby on the way.
I am in the same boat and I think you are right on track with getting everything out of the reach of little hands, here is what I have done:
I built a pair of very substantial shelves which I bolted into studs on the back wall with three 2.5" lag screws each. They support a pair of GMA Europas, which are very heavy and honestly a stretch for wall mounting, but great speakers that are worth the extra work. They like to be out in the room a bit, which wasn't possible, so I treated the back wall with ProFoam from Silentsource.com. Profoam is reasonably priced, has a fairly attractive appearance, and really made a difference in my room.
I installed my gear and music in a nearby closet (Consonance b2000x integrated and a Sony 222es SACD changer) and ran my cables under the floor. I have a 'powermid' (around $50) which allows me to use remote control while my gear is mounted in the closet.
The only real downside is a long cable run, but its well worth it to have my gear tucked safely away.
The results have been excellent, if not ideal, it takes up 0 sq. ft. of floor space and is safe from my toddler (and more importantly, my toddler is safe from it!).
What about the Blueroom Minipods? You could a multi-channel / ht system in 5 or more different bright colors. Watching the Teletubies might never be the same? They sell per each on Ebay at affordable prices.
May be more than you want to spend, but Thiel Viewpoints sound great, as well as Sounus Fabers WALL speaker.