Acarian - Alon IV vs. Alon V mkII

Hi all. I'm considering trying out one of these - is there anyone who has owned/experienced both and could highlight the sonic differences.

Thanks. Chip
The IV's will need a fairly large room.I believe the V's will be more refined,but you would have to be able to A/B them to hear the difference I suspect.I have heard the Alon line extensively,and have owned several pairs of the II's,which are unbeatable for the money.One last tip: Many of the units can be damaged in shipment,so factory boxes are pretty important.
The point Tracer made is true I went throught 3 pairs of the Alon 2' s before the dealer got Me a pair not damaged. As to the other question between Alon 4 or Alon 5 go for the 5 MK 2 or 3 the 3 being much better. I would also think about getting the alnico tweeters for the 5's they already have the alnico mids. That makes a huge difference in the sound much more than the alnico woofers. I own Alon 5 MK 1 that I have upgraded to all alnico drivers and after 10 or so years living with them I still love them. The Alon 5 's are a little less fussy to set up in a room the 4 ' s need a big room
We use Alon IV's in the studio, in a small room, and they sound spectacular. Granted, we have thousands of $$ of acoustical treatments going on.
What kinds of treatment you did to the Alon IV. Would you let us know how you set them up. I am using Alon IV, right now I am biamping with SF power 3 monos to the low and Cary V121 for mid and high. My room size is 14.5 x 30 and only 7' high.
I agree w/most of what's been said. IMHO the IV is a little bottom-heavy, and the V is much better balanced, and with slimmer dimensions, easier to place in most rooms. For a used speaker, they are definitely one of the better values available. The II is one of my favs for $700-800. Cheers,