File format, software and settings?

I want to rip my CD collection using the best software and settings to the best sounding, most versatile and future proof format. Advice please.
Looks like DBpoweramp and .WAV. Any special settings to get the best results? Can I rip a smaller file at the same time for use on an ipod? What format should I use for that? Initially I will stream wirelessly from a laptop through my Pioneer N50 to my Esoteric DAC, controlled via smartphone app. I am sure that I can get better sound direct to my DAC via usb later. Excuse my extreme ignorance but what do I need Jriver with Jplay for?
Timlub - did you try Jriver with Kernel Streaming or Wasapi?

I think probably XXHighend might be the best one out there for PC now based on feedbacks.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
"what do I need Jriver with Jplay for?"

To achieve good playback quality on a PC. WMP will not cut it. You could also try Foobar2000 or XXhighend.

dbpoweramp should rip to .wav format, and use Accurate Rip on the web for verification.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Hi Steve, used direct, Kernel Streaming and Wasapi..
KS & Wasapi were both better than direct... these things are so close, I had to listen long and hard to finally figure what the differences were in my system. KS was more absolute (maybe analytical is the right word) Wasapi had equal detail, but had more of a flowing feel to it. Depending on the music I might like one over the other, but quite frankly, it took so long to realize just what I was hearing with the differences that I'd be happy either way. I will look into XXHighend. As alway, I appreciate your advice. Tim
Timlub - are you using an active preamp in your system? If so, this will reduce or mask many of these performance gains IME.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio